Agri-TechExpress with Bayer: ‘Meet the Bayer’

On Tuesday 20th April 2021, academics at Bayer will be hosting a virtual event conference from Cambridgeshire.
The event will offer a fascinating insight into Bayer’s research, who believe their leadership in chemistry, biology and data science optimisation will fuel industry-wide innovation and enable them to discover, combine and tailor solutions for farmers.
This event will provide an understanding of Bayer’s role in advancing innovation in agriculture and opportunities for engagement and partnership. Hear from Phil Taylor, Open Innovation Lead, who will talk about their research focus areas, Open Innovation approach and how they know that they need strong external partners to deliver on our goals.
Their hope is to meet potential new partners across the spectrum of innovators in the UK (agnostic to institutions or source) who share their passion in both our core areas of seeds, genetics and crop protection, but also in growth areas such as imaging, data science, blockchain and engineering.
This event is free for members of Agri-TechE, and £15 for non-members. You can find out more information and to register for the event HERE.