EIRA launch Enabling Recovery Fund for businesses affected by Covid-19

EIRA are delighted to announce today the launch of our new Enabling Recovery Fund to enable businesses to respond to the coronavirus, or support those looking to overcome current business challenges. Funds for Enabling Recovery projects are available up to £6k, for projects worth up to £7.5k. EIRA will fund 80% of the total value of the project, with companies funding the remaining 20%.
EIRA Director, Dr. Kirstie Cochrane said:
“EIRA have been supporting business productivity since our launch in April 2018. We have staff across the region who are working directly with businesses to support innovation. When the country went into lockdown, the appetite for EIRA to adapt our offer to support businesses was very strong. As a result, I am delighted to announce the launch of EIRA’s new Enabling Recovery Fund. This scheme will provide project funding for businesses, particularly SMEs, to work with our academic experts in order to find solutions to their current challenges. Whether that’s considering moving into a new market, the uptake of new technology to work efficiently online or developing a new product, we want our regional business community to know that EIRA are here to support business recovery.”
Applications are welcomed from SME businesses, but they must be based within EIRA’s geographical remit of the East of England and require academic expertise to explore innovative solutions. Projects must be completed by March 2021.
Interested businesses are welcome to contact the team for more information using the online form here.
Key dates for application are as follows:
Opening date for applications: 20th July 2020
Closing date for applications: 11th September 2020, midday
How can I apply?
Contact us through our website or email us at eira@essex.ac.uk for an application form.