Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps Shortlisted for Saboteur Awards

The EIRA funded project ‘The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps’ has been shortlisted for the Saboteur Awards in two categories: Best Spoken Word Performance and Best Collaborative Project. Voting is underway to select the winners with directors of the contest highlighting that now more than ever is a time when people can come together to celebrate the achievements and value of the arts.
The author of epic gothic poem ‘The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps’, Murray Lachlan Young, and Creative Producer, Matt Linley, worked with the University of Essex to explore the commerciality and audience experience of multi-platform media based on the poem. Dr. Loes Van Dam and Prof. Paul Hibbard worked with the creative team to discover whether a VR prequel of the poem would increase audience engagement, understanding of and enjoyment between the different texts. The performance was launched at the Lakeside Theatre in Essex last year, and has since toured around the country, engaging audiences of different ages. You can read more about this project in our case study here.
If you would like to vote for this innovative project, please vote using this link. The deadline for votes is the 16th May.