UEA hosts i-Teams final

The University of East Anglia (UEA) recently held the final presentations of the UEA-Norwich Research Park i-Teams & Heritage i-Teams 2019 programme.
i-Teams is an exciting initiative involving early career researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA), institutes across the Norwich Research Park and Norwich University of the Arts (NUA). Working collaboratively with peers and business mentors, the teams have been exploring and developing marketing and commercial opportunities for projects derived from existing academic research projects or projects from the heritage sector, to create an impactful business proposal.
The 2019 programme culminated with the teams presenting their recommendations for the future development of the following research innovations:
Technology i-Teams
– MyEvolution – health professional training and career tool (Norwich Medical School, UEA)
– Fluorometric respiration assays (School of Chemistry, UEA)
– Tomato-based cosmetics (John Innes Centre and School of Biological Sciences, UEA)
Heritage i-Teams
– Adnams – Using heritage to market beyond the east of England
– Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse Museum – targeting heritage appreciators to increase visitor numbers
The final presentation event was well attended and a great chance for early career researchers to network with business professionals.
Interested in getting involved with i-Teams yourself? Contact us through our website for more information.